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24 Courses

Improving Self-Awareness
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Improving Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is developing an understanding your emotions and feelings. It is an awareness of the physical, emotional, and psychological self. Participants wil ...

Improving Mindfulness
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Improving Mindfulness

Improving mindfulness is about understanding yourself and being “in the moment”. Participants will become more mindful of their actions and learn how to expr ...

Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. We touch on goal characteristics, time management, and what to do when setbacks o ...

Emotional Intelligence at Work
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Emotional Intelligence at Work

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be in touch with one’s emotions to the point where feelings can be identified, understood, and then used in social int ...

Emotional Intelligence
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one”s own feelings. It also provides great insight on how emotion influences motivation and behavior ...

Critical Thinking
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking provides you with the skills to analyze and evaluate information. With these skills, you are able to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge fr ...

Being A Likeable Boss
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Being A Likeable Boss

Being more likeable is a quality everyone can increase and improve. Being likeable and a figure of authority is where some challenging conflicts can arise. With ...

Attention Management
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Attention Management

A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Participants will be m ...

Anger Management
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Anger Management

Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one”s life. Without control you are putting limits on what you can accomplish. Anger can be an i ...

Adult Learning – Physical Skills
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Adult Learning – Physical Skills

Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay at ...

Adult Learning – Mental Skills
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Adult Learning – Mental Skills

Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay at ...

Public Speaking
Personal Development
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Personal Development

Public Speaking

According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, ...